What are Campaign Goals?

Campaign goals determine the purpose of your campaign. Improving sales, increasing revenue, and creating brand awareness are all common goals for paid campaigns.

The console supports three major campaign goals.

  • Optimize Conversions: This goal will help you get the most conversions out of your campaign. It usually helps in generating leads, improving sales, increasing downloads (for a mobile app or browser extension), or getting offline traffic to your business like visits to stores or calls from customers.
  • Optimizing Clicks: Setting up this goal will help you optimize clicks on your ads. This goal improves the user engagement of your business. It also improves brand awareness and can result in optimizing conversions.

Note: This goal is only supported for Native Campaigns.

  • Maximize ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): If the goal of your campaign is revenue generation, it is a best practice to set up maximize ROAS as the goal of the campaign. This goal is to optimize the returns you are getting from the ad amount spent to get those conversions.  

For example, if you are spending around $5,000 monthly for a campaign budget and you have set 200% ROAS, the returns on the ad spend will be $10,000.