What is a Search Campaign?

A Search campaign allows you to target keywords for which you can display ads. The two-click model is used in search campaigns where a user clicks the relevant keywords that appear as Sponsored Ads in the article as shown below.

After the user clicks a keyword, they are redirected to the Results page where ads are displayed as shown below.

If the user clicks on one of these results they will be redirected to the advertiser’s website.

Elements of Search Ads:

Sr. No.Name of the ElementDescription
1.Destination URLURL of the page the advertiser wants their audience to redirect. It is a mandatory field.
2.Display URLURL displayed in the ad copy. It can be similar to the destination URL or the URL of the homepage. It is a mandatory field.
3.Mobile URLWill be used if the landing page for mobile users is different. It is an optional field.
4.Ad Title 1Title of the ad. It is a mandatory field.
5.Ad Title 2An additional title for the ad. It is an optional field.
6.DescriptionA brief description of the products and services. It is a mandatory field.